01 February 2013

No History for Black History Month

While I believe Black history is synonymous with American history and should be taught and celebrated year round, it is Black history month so I wanted to participate in educating, appreciation, and remembrance. A friend of mine, who is a grad student in journalism at NYU, posted on Instrgram that she would share a picture of an influential Black person in journalism each day for the month. In the same fashion I wanted to find influential Black planners in history to share on the blog and other social networking platforms. I scoured the internet for days trying to find just one Black planner; nothing. I was disappointed, but not defeated. I'm determined to be a person, 75 years from now when a student searches for Black planners in history, whose face will come up. A great American planner who was creative and imaginative, fearless and persistent, and always fought for the rights and interests of the people for whom she planned. This will be my legacy. 

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