The California High Speed Rail project is a system that would serve major cities like Sacramento, San Francisco, San Jose, Los Angeles, Anaheim, San Diego and many cities in between. .Voters approved Proposition 1A to fund the project and construction on a 29-mile segment from Madera to Fresno will begin this July.
Millions of green jobs
Pays or itself
Convenient, comfortable
Congestion relief
Reduces global warming
Reduces oil needs
Lowers cost of military operations
California High Speed Rail
Phase One: SF to LA
Travel time: 2hrs 40mins
Cost estimate $40 billion (2008)
Cost estimate over $100 billion (2011)
Cost estimate $64 billion (2012) This includes utilizing existing rail lines
Approx 25,000 perm jobs
More property tax
Revitalized downtown
Summary of the Planning Experience
1. These are engineering plans, not prepared by planner
2. Get engaged early
3. Uneven benefits
4. Strong community outreach and education
5. Consider community impacts and benefits
6. Capitalize on rail investment for community improvements
7. Collaborate with other cities for effective influence
Additional information can be found here:
California High Speed Rail Authority
California High Speed Rail Blog
Source: APA National Conference Session